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SHAW SOUNDS          Menu
Audio Transfer Services ( UK )

Contact Us
John Shaw
Prices & payment
Preserving memories
LP to Digital
LP demo
78 to Digital
78 demo
Cassette to Digital
Micro cassette to Digital
Tape demo
Tape to Digital
DAT to Digital
MiniDisc to Digital
8 -Track to Digital
Cylinder to Digital
Tape & record repairs
Customer feedback
Past projects
Postage & Packing
EMT 950 Turntables
Audio equipment for sale
My Dad's Legacy
EMT Turntable Repairs & Restoration
Purchase of Hi Fi equipment & records
Useful links





  Copyright Issues,Terms and Conditions



  • All material transferred by Shaw Sounds at your request must be fully owned by you and must be the original recording.


  • Your order will be processed on the understanding that the resulting CD(s) will not be copied in any way and will be used for the purpose of private listening only and that no material should be broadcast, hired or leased in any way whatsoever.


  • In order to comply with Copyright Laws you must retain ownership of the original recorded material whilst in possession of the CD provided by Shaw Sounds. If the original recording is sold on then the CD must be sold with it.


  • By using this site and its services you take full responsibility for all Copyright issues under the 'Fair Use' provisions of Copyright Law.


  • 'Fair Use' of copyright materials means that, because you own the original recordings, you are allowed to transfer them to any other media for personal and archive use only. This allows Shaw Sounds to offer this service to you without infringing any Copyright Laws.


  • The CD copy produced by Shaw Sounds must not be duplicated further as a gift, for lending or for resale - the owner of the original only may possess a copy.


  • Shaw Sounds liability is limited to the value of the material only and not its recorded content. If damage occurs in our care we will endeavour to replace the damaged material with that of similar or better quality.



Transfer - Copy - Convert   LP to CD | Vinyl to CD | 78 to CD | Tape to CD | Cassette to CD | DAT to CD 

Audio transfer of records and tapes to CD
SHAW SOUNDS Professional Audio Transfer and restoration

LP to Digital - Shaw Sounds - Updated July 2024

5 Douglas Ave, Harold Wood, Romford. Essex. RM3 0UT. UK.
Studio: 01708 342553 / Mobile: 07941 556912

Website created Oct 2003 © Copyright Shaw Sounds 

All photographs and text are copyright owned by Shaw Sounds

 Registered in England 2770209 (1981)