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Audio Transfer Services ( UK )

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John Shaw
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Preserving memories
LP to Digital
LP demo
78 to Digital
78 demo
Cassette to Digital
Micro cassette to Digital
Tape demo
Tape to Digital
DAT to Digital
MiniDisc to Digital
8 -Track to Digital
Cylinder to Digital
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EMT 950 Turntables
Audio equipment for sale
My Dad's Legacy
EMT Turntable Repairs & Restoration
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 Tape & record repairs 

Shaw Sounds can provide a tape repair service prior to transfer -

Reel to Reel Tape - Audio Cassettes - Mini & Micro Cassettes - DAT Tapes - VHS Tapes

  • Broken or damaged cassstte shells
  • Tangled and damaged sections of tape
  • Tape that has snapped or has come away from the spool
  • Cassettes that don't work or are missing internal pieces
  • Tapes that have suffered with mould and oxidation
  • Cassettes that have been exposed to humidity with only moderate damage
  • Broken splices
  • All tapes that require baking 
  • Broken 78 rpm shellac records repaired prior to digitisation

          Please contact us for a quotation

Transfer - Copy - Convert   LP to CD | Vinyl to CD | 78 to CD | Tape to CD | Cassette to CD | DAT to CD 

LP to Digital - Shaw Sounds - Updated July 2024

5 Douglas Ave, Harold Wood, Romford. Essex. RM3 0UT. UK.
Studio: 01708 342553 / Mobile: 07941 556912

Website created Oct 2003 © Copyright Shaw Sounds 

All photographs and text are copyright owned by Shaw Sounds

 Registered in England 2770209 (1981)